Cats Protection case study
Cats Protection drive additional unrestricted income with Give as you Live Online

Animal sector
£65,574.64 raised
2,228 supporters
3 Fundraising Pages
How Give as you Live Online provides additional income
"We’re extremely grateful to all our supporters who’ve helped raise this incredible amount for Cats Protection, which could go towards buying a row of pens for one of our centres.
We predominantly promote Give as you Live across our social media channels as we find this resonates the most with our supporters. We have also included the platform in email sends and in our quarterly subscriber magazine, The Cat.
"We use the social media assets from the Marketing Toolkit to promote Give as you Live Online to our supporters. Give as you Live have also created bespoke imagery for us which we have used across our channels."

What the charity thinks...
Give as you Live is a quick and easy way to support our charity at no extra cost to the supporter. We're thrilled with the amount it's raised for us so far. The team at Give as you Live are supportive and help think of new, innovative ways for us to promote the platform. Thank you so much.
Richard Howard
Charity representative