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Privacy Policy

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1.0 Introduction

This document details what information we may hold about you, why we hold it, and how we may use it. This policy applies to the Give as you Live Charity Administration Panel ( which is used to manage a charity's account on the various products and services offered by Give as you Live.

If you use other products and services from Give as you Live Ltd, as a charity or as a fundraiser, additional policies may apply - you should check the relevant website(s) for those additional policies.

This policy was last updated on 1st February 2021.

2.0 What information we store about you

When you sign up to as the administrator for a charity, the only personal information we require are your name and email address. You also choose a password.

Within your account, you may optionally provide more information such your telephone number and job title. You may amend or remove this information at any time via your account.

We store a log of your activities within the Admin Panel - this can be seen on the activity page.

We may also store technical information such as your browser and IP address. We may use external tools, such as Google Analytics, to collect such information.

3.0 How we may contact you

By signing up as an administrator for your charity, you agree to our terms and conditions. This includes giving us permission to send you informational and promotional emails relating to the different products and services we offer - unless you opt out at a later date.

You can opt out of our informational and promotional emails using the unsubscribe link that is included in all such emails.

Your opt-out status does not affect the sending of transactional emails - for example emails relating to accessing your account.

If you contact us, for instance via phone or email, you give us permission to contact you relating to your query. Doing so will not result in your details being added to any promotional email lists.

If you have provided us with your contact information in person, for example at an industry event, then we may be able to contact you including sending a follow-up email or promotional emails. This will depend on the circumstances in which you provided your information.

4.0 How we use your information

The personal information we store may be used to tailor our service to you. This could involve us displaying different content on our website based on your data and preferences.

We may also use your information - including personal, technical and usage data - for internal purposes such as statistical analysis. This is so that we can understand how our products and services are being used and to aid the decisions we make.

5.0 How data may be shared

As a charity administrator for your charity, your details can be viewed by other administrators of your charity. Beyond this, details relating to your administrator account are not displayed publically.

In the result that our company is sold, the ownership of data is transferred to the acquiring company. If this happens, we will endeavour to inform you about this and of your rights.

Outside of these scenarios, we do not pass your personal data onto any third parties without your explicit content.

6.0 Cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer by websites. The information cannot be seen by any other websites (so the information is secure) and is used by us to provide features to aid the use of our services.

Cookies need to be enabled in order for you to access your account, whilst the tracking of Give as you Live donations relies upon cookies. Therefore, the intended use of Give as you Live requires cookies to be enabled.

For more information about how we use cookies, please see our cookie policy.

7.0 Security

We endeavour to follow best practices and fulfil all legal obligations with regards to the security of your data and personal information.

In order to access your account with us, you choose a password which is used in combination with your email address to sign in with. It is also your responsibility to keep your password safe.

We cannot take responsibility if you voluntarily or involuntarily enable someone else to access your account and gain access to any personal information stored.

You may change your password at any time via your account.

8.0 Who we are and how to contact us

Give as you Live Limited is a registered company in England & Wales (company number 5181419), with registered offices at 13 The Courtyard, Timothy's Bridge Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 9NP, United Kingdom.

We are registered under the Data Protection Act, registration no. Z8852513.

Should you wish to contact us, please send us a message.