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Cookie Policy

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1.0 Introduction

This document details how we use cookies on the Give as you Live Charity Administration Panel (

If you use other products and services from Give as you Live Ltd, as a charity or as a fundraiser, additional policies may apply - you should check the relevant website(s) for those additional policies.

This policy was last updated on 1st February 2021.

2.0 What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer by websites. The information cannot be seen by any other websites (so the information is secure) and is used by us to provide features to aid the use of our services.

We use three types of cookies on our websites:

Session cookies - These enable you to carry out some essential functions on our websites, such as maintaining log in details for the session. They also help by minimising the need to transfer information across the internet. They are not stored permanently on your computer and they expire when you terminate your browser session.

Persistent cookies - These cookies remain on your computer for a pre-determined time after which they are removed. They are used for such things as enabling us to recognise returning users to the website and allowing them to carry out fundraising without the need to sign in every time.

Third Party Cookies - These are cookies that our business partners create. Some are essential, such as those used by stores to track your purchases. Others are not essential but useful, such as those used by Google Analytics - a tool which we use to monitor the general use of our website and allow us to make changes to improve your experience when you visit.

3.0 Why do we use cookies? Can they be blocked?

Cookies are essential for the proper function of our websites and services - including the raising of donations. Therefore we do not recommend that you block or disable cookies (which can be done through your browser settings).

We use cookies to keep you signed into our website and services. Therefore if cookies are blocked or disabled, you will not be able to log in or access your account.

We may use cookies for other purposes - for instance to monitor and understand how our website is used. Such cookies can be blocked without a noticeable impact to your browsing experience.

4.0 Find out more

For more information regarding the use of cookies, your rights regarding them, and how to block or remove them, please visit or

5.0 Change my preferences

You can change your preferences here. Please note that downgrading your consent will not cause existing cookies to be deleted.